Sunday, 4 November 2012

Exams approacheth!

There is a trajectory that happens every semester of every school year since...probably high school. I reckon before that I was probably excited and happy to be at school to see my friends and school work was just a slight disturbance to my social life.
But at some point academic work actually becomes the majority of what you are doing at school, and then it begins to dominate your home life as well. And that's when this trajectory starts.

Basically I start at a 100%, and every day my 100% is chipped at by a desire to be doing something else.
And by exam time I am at a significantly low percentage, generally by the last day of classes I am at zero percent and my body is present but my brain has gone on holiday.
So the main goal in my education life has been to start at 100% and make sure that the decline in attention and motation is slow enough so that by the time I reach the zero of the last day I have actually learned stuff already and can pass without whatever it is they teach on the last day.
Around high school they also started giving exams a while after the last day of lectures, so then that meant reaching zero on the last day of lectures and then having a quick burst of study motivation before exams.
For teh record this trajectory is present even DURING an exam, I generally start an exam high on adrenaline, motivated, and committed to doing my best.
I answer the questions, I check my answers, and usually (99 percent of the time if time permits) during my second time trying to review my answers...I reach my final zero and my brain just refuses, so this artifial burst of study motivation is extremely transient and is JUST enough.

Why am I explaining this.
I have a few weeks left and I am quickly approaching zero....
I am spending more time on here and less time studying but as always I am budgeting that all the time I spend studying before (the area under the curve), will serve me well and I am expecting a last minute burst of motivation just before the exam to pull me over the finish line.

Such is life.

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