Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Why Zambia is Amazing

This will not be about tourism or investment or volunteering in Zambia so if that's what you are looking for..look elsewhere.
I did a quick search to see if anyone else agreed with me and all I found was why you should visit Zambia, why you should go help us and how much fun other people had when visiting/helping us.
This is about the fact that after I have travelled I have discovered so many amazing benefits to being Zambian that I never fathomed while actually in Zambia.

  1. Weather
    1.  No hurricanes
    2. no bushfires
    3. no tornadoes
    4. No El ninos, or la ninas
    5.  No snow storms that mean we close the nation down and wait for the snow to melt
      1. The weather is AMAZING, they are two seasons, you know they are coming, and they are predictable (okay fine they might be variations some people claim hot and dry, hot and wet and cold and wet or some other variations). But it's predictable, you know what's coming. The only reason we have issues with it is because we don't prepare adequately enough. The fact that in dry season we have no water and in the wet season we are flooded is a testament to our lack of forward planning. This is easily fixed. You cannot forward plan for certain weather dramas.
  2. Tribalism
    1. It could be worse, I am currently not proud of hearing people discussing politics in light of someones tribe but we are close to many countries where the tribalism has destroyed them. 
  3. Things we deal with from our past
    1. No giant nuclear explosions
    2. No major civil wars that ripped the nation apart
    3.  No genocidal history
    4. There is nothing preventing us from holding our heads high when we face people from other nations, there is nothing (major) to be ashamed of in our past.
There are many more reasons but the reason I brought it up is because I learned some new things yesterday.
Things about Cambodia I never knew. Honestly, I wasn't even entirely sure where Cambodia was, I now know.
Basically in a quick sentence I learned that Cambodia had a history of colonialism, got independence from France slightly after Zambia, and then they were occupied by Vietnam, and then there was WAR.
LOTS and LOTS of war, things were destroyed, people were killed.
But you're thinking, yeah, everyone had war in the olden days.
BUT NO, Cambodia had war in MY LIFETIME.
Less than 20 years ago there was war ripping Cambodia apart.

I had the opportunity to hear Cambodian Doctors talking about working and living there and it was amazing.
Issues they overcame:
  1. After the war the were FORTY doctors in all of Cambodia (14+ million people)
  2. After the war, they was a spirit of unease, people didn't know when the next war would come and therefore everyone appears to hoard their money, out of uncertainty. So it is very difficult to get help and funding from the Cambodian poeple
  3. Lack of specialists to train new specialists
  4. Lack of infrastructures (there was a freakin war!)
    1. America was trying to fight Vietnam so they bombed Cambodia over 100,000 times
- These doctors were passionate, they came to this country to get some new ideas on training new doctors in Cambodia. They were patriotic and they were skilled.
Even had a pediatric cardiac surgeon!
Against such amazing odds they are doing amazing work.
Looking at the stats in Cambodia since even early 2000, comparing things like infant mortality and life expectancy, and poverty, you will see major changes.
And this forces me to ask sometimes...what's our excuse?

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