Last night I was actually feeling a bit ill and that was INITIALLY why I had trouble sleeping, and then somewhere around 2am I was feeling significantly better and found a really comfortable spot and then my mind woke up.
And once again I will share with you what I am thinking because I have my fingers crossed that you will think it's a good idea and run with it, and so when my time has come I do not have to start convincing people of these ideas but just being part of the next step.
My mind was revolving around money.
Honestly, I do not believe that any country doesn't have enough money to do X.
I am constantly disturbed by the fact that the construct we invented : MONEY dominates us to a point where we have to borrow from others amounts that we do not even have the capacity to count or fathom. I honestly can you comprehend a BILLION?
So basically, I believe in looking at your resources and building from there.
So here was my idea
Find a village.
Get all the villagers together and develope a taxation system.
You might have to find a village chief and get them to implement this system.
But the idea is to be transparent and involve the villagers all the way (to generate a democracy as it is supposed to be).
- In a village meeting, everyone agree what is an appropriate sum/month or per harvest season, and outline the equivalent in money, in crops, and in labour. So if I am a farmer or carpenter, I pay my taxes in what I have. Basically, thinking only about money limits us and prevents us from seeing the resources we do have.
and then the chief (or whoever is in charge), provides 2 or three money making endeavors. For example, buying a taxi or building a store, and that is what the taxes are initially put towards.
The village meetings occur regularly, to tell the people 'alright we have collected this amount, and we have bought the taxi, it is now running monday to friday at X profit, we now have a total of XY'
After a year half of the profit is re invested in the business or new business started AND then a discussion is had about what the village needs. Is it electricity, water, a school, a clinic, whatever, start small and plan for the money that is available. I really believe this is how government should exist, transparent and responding to the needs of the population.
AND I truly believe this ideal is possible in the small communities of villages and when it exists there other villages will see and it can be expanded maybe even to a province, and of course maybe to the whole nation.
But in the meantime, the people in that village, begin to see themselves as part of a community that they have a role in improving.
I got excited and then definitely realised that I can never be the one to get such a program started in a community, it was to come from someone within the community, so this is me hoping you are already in a village and will do all the hard work of trying to get different people to work together towards one goal, and one day when the community decides they want a doctor, I can just be paid to come and work in this beautiful community :D
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